It's been a while since I've had time to do any posting, so here are some highlights of the last few weeks. After Labor Day, the community pool hosts a Doggy Dive the night before they drain the pool, so we took Bauer to join the fun. He wasn't too keen on jumping off the side of the pool, so we had to give him a little push....again...and again. But once he was in, he would fetch his tennis ball and proudly swim back to us to get hoisted out of the water. There were dogs of all shapes and sizes getting soaked and it was a lot of fun. Bauer even won a prize, a lifelike plastic turkey leg, for being such a good swimmer.

Meanwhile, in Riley's world, she is as amazing as ever. She's added a few new words to her vocabulary: Crakka (cracker, or anything in the pantry) and Bubbles. And also, uh oh...which she repeats nonstop. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. She's giving kisses, and I don't even have the words to describe that pure joy and sweetness, and she's starting to blow kisses, although sometimes she puts her hand on your mouth to retrieve the kiss before sending it off in the wind. When you tell her it's time to take Bauer for a walk, so goes and gets his leash off the hook and tries to put it on him. And when you tell her it's time for a bath, she goes charging into the bathroom.
Recently, she had her first incident report at daycare. Apparently, she didn't like what was being served for lunch...beanie weanies and mandarin oranges, so she decided to feed her mandarin oranges to another kid. Other kid promptly bit down on her finger right where the nail meets the cuticle, leaving a bright red mark. The report stated that TLC was administered and Riley was told not to feed the other children at the zoo.
I managed to capture the 10 second interval where she allowed me to put a bow in her hair. She's munching on the Fig Newton I gave her as a distraction, but the essence of the bow is still captured.
I've also included a Halloween sneak peek.. When I brought home her giraffe costume and tried it on her, she began parading around the house, just so proud of herself. All I can tell you about the level of cuteness is that it's just not fair to all the other kids in the world. But you can see for yourselves.