That's his personality, to a tee...slobber and all.
I took Brody's 9 month photos last weekend, and I really had to stop and marvel at how quickly the time has flown by. It seems that's just the way it is with babies, but when they're just as easy going and smiley all the time...HONESTLY...all the time, the days and weeks and months just seem to fly by even faster. From first thing in the morning, when I walk in his room and he pushes up on his arms and flashes me the biggest smile, to late at night, when I check on him right before bed and listen to his soft breathing, he brings me joy. Such pure joy. Not to mention all the laughter, exploration and snuggle time in the daytime hours in between. He is a crawling maniac, thought it's still a rugged Army crawl, and he has said "Mama" a number of times, sometimes while crawling toward me. He's got two more teeth coming in up top, bringing the grand total to four. He's growing so quickly, it'll be interesting to get his current stats at his checkup in a few weeks. All I know is, the outfit he had on today was 12-18 months and it fit just fine. One hilarious thing he's been doing is finding his way to the wine cabinet again and again. The first time, he grabbed a bottle and stuck it under his "Brody car" and then continued on his merry way, with his luggage underneath, as you can see:

The second time, he crawled over and pulled down a bottle and then tried to have a cocktail. Earlier today, same thing, I heard a thud, and he'd grabbed another. I guess I really just need to empty the cabinet...

We've been playing a lot of chase and he's getting pretty fast in his car. When he really gets moving, he just laughs and laughs. I definitely think he'll be ready to walk sooner rather than later, and he's already trying to pull himself up.
A few words on the Riley Roo, too. I took her to her very first movie last weekend. We saw Beauty and the Beast, one of her favorites. It was such a fun date for us. She loves movies, and she loves treats, so she probably thought it was the greatest thing ever. I loved how small she looked in the oversized theater chair, with waaaayyy too much popcorn and a big cup of fruit punch. But, hey, that's how your first movie ought to be, right?
Me: No, those are for dinner, what else?"
Riley: "Ok....um, CHICKEN!"
(We usually settle on French Toast sticks)
This week was pajama day at school, which she absolutely loved. And I did too. Man, is life so much easier when you don't have to actually dress your child in the morning. I wish everyday was pajama day. Anyhow, she still found the whole idea hilarious and kept saying, " I wear my pajamas to school? That's SO SILLY!"
So, that's the news for now. Time to get to bed, I have snuggle practice to look forward to in the morning.