I find myself fairly exhausted this week. Too tired to write anything particularly witty or insightful, but here are some pictures at least to catch you up on a few things.
Brody man has graduated from his Army crawl to a regular crawl and man is he ever fast! He's also started pulling himself up and cruising along anything that's the right height from furniture to the edge of the bathtub. I really would feel a lot better if I could just fashion him an all purpose helmet. Just tonight, he was holding on to the edge of Riley's play kitchen and sent it tumbling over on top of himself...EXCEPT for the fact that I was sitting right there with him, so as TJ so astutely pointed out..."Don't worry, Brody's fine, your head broke the fall." Which it did, luckily it didn't hurt too much. Guess we'll be anchoring it to the wall this weekend. Here's the Brody man first learning how to pull himself up a few weeks ago. Look how proud he is of his new skills!

Here he is just a week or two later, able to pull himself up to his music play station with ease. He can stand and play for 20 minutes or so at a time. I really don't think it's going to be long before he's pulling up completely on his own and taking first steps.

Here he is just looking handsome (it's what he does best) in his mini bomber jacket.

Just have to share the picture of the Valentines Day cake pops I made for Riley's classmates. They took a very long time, but turned out so cute. Cake pops will have to be for special occasions only. They are as delicious as they are adorable, so they are also dangerous to have in the house.

In another burst of craftiness, I decided to try my hand at making hair bows. They are pretty time consuming, but it turns out, not too difficult. When I can find little pockets of time, it'll be fun to make her some more and maybe start to give them as gifts.

We finally had a little dusting of snow a few weeks back. Probably not more than three inches, but it was enough to finally get Riley's new sled out for a spin. She let me pull her around the yard and driveway for a bit and then she wanted to pull me. I told her I was too big for the sled, so she just decided to pull it around on her own.

Her school also had chicken eggs, which they got to watch hatch into baby chicks, last week. It was really fun to see how excited all the kids were about it. They got to hold the chicks and did chick art projects, it was so cute. Made me want to take a day off of being a mommy and go to school. Recital outfits have arrived at dance class and the girls are practicing their performance number. I must admit, the idea of them actually performing a synchronized routine is not as ludicrous as it once seemed. Riley even practices singing the song around the house. She continues to amaze me with her verbal skills...even when the content is less than amusing.
A few recent conversations:
Me: Riley, I'm tired, can I take a nap in your bed?
Riley: No Mommy! You are waaaay too big, you will break my bed. You nap downstairs.
Me: Riley, you are not listening and you are going to get in big trouble.
Riley: I not in big trouble. You being rude. Go to time out and stay there.
Me: Riley, if you are a good girl, you will be able to go to Wesley's house to watch a movie.
Riley: We watch Lion King and have popcorn, candy and donuts! (Yup, she is definitely TJ's daughter!)
Never a dull moment around here, that's for sure. Now, I'm off to get some rest.