One cute little tooth is in the process of erupting onto the lower gum scene. It's funny because just yesterday, I met a woman with a little girl two days younger than Riley and we were talking about how neither of them have any tooth action yet. And then, voila. She's had all the signs for what seems like a few months, but she's also had two nasty colds lately, one which we still can't shake, so it's been hard to tell. But sure enough, when we were playing eye-to-eye this morning, I saw a flash of it. Impossible to snap a picture just yet, but as soon as it finishes its grand entrance, I'll be sure to post one. In the meantime, here's one from the other morning when Mr. Rubber Ducky was probably helping to sooth the gum line. Oh, and another thing we're perfecting this week is our pincer grasp. She'll spend minutes at a time holding her pointer finger straight out and just staring at it and its incredible separation from the others in amazement. So far, she has used the new skill to pick up a piece of Bauer's food. (He likes to bring one single piece of food as an offering to whomever is available before he eats it. Strange habit of the last few months -- not sure the reason, need to call Dog Whisperer). And yes, I'm realizing that the once "oh that's still a ways away" concepts of baby proofing and choking hazards are becoming swift reality. Now, as far as the dog food itself, is all maybe, hmm...
Kidding, kidding!! She can also pick up small pieces of cereal, but she doesn't put them in her mouth, she just moves them from place to place and then onto the floor -- which is perfectly fine with Bauer.

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