I know I've been saying it for a while, but Riley really is
this close to crawling. From a sitting position, she bounces up the momentum to lurch forward over her little legs. The only problem is that when she catapults forward, she usually lands on her head. I guess her arms aren't strong enough or fast enough to break the fall. She doesn't seem phased by it though. She will also reach for you and try to move toward you, and if you hold out your fingers, she can use them to pull herself up. Maybe she's going to be one of those babies who just skips straight to walking. She is definitely a talker -- all day long, it's "Bau, Bau, Bau," and there's no doubt that she is referring to Bauer. When you ask her, "where's Bau Bau?" she scans the room and locks her eyes on him. Some friends who just arrived in town are staying with us until they get settled and they have a dog named Lacey. So, there are now two Bau Baus, which means two big black noses in her face and under the high chair, and all parties involved couldn't be happier.

I took this picture for TJ because I knew it would make him proud. I actually don't let her watch television, but somehow, through TJ's genes, she still knows how to work the remote.

In this photo, Bauer has Lacey's Wubba and is explaining that "this is how it works if you live in MY house!!!" Riley is wondering where the other Bau Bau magically came from.

My little scholar, reading the Grouchy Ladybug.

I love this picture. It captures her essence to a tee.
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