Anyhow, the other night, as we were walking, Riley in the stroller with TJ and me with Brody in the backpack, Riley was jibber jabbering away and among the slew of random words and mini sentences, she said, "Mommy...bock eww." Yeah, say it out lout to yourself! Right, so we were like, um, WHAT?!?! Cue exchange of glances in disbelief...Yikes, did she just say what I think she said? No, couldn't be. Where would she hear that? Certainly not from us. Couldn't be. I was a few paces ahead of her, so I slowed down and patted her head and tried to get her to say anything else. Next night, same thing, about halfway through the walk, I got a little farther ahead than she and TJ, and again, "Mommy, bock eww!"
OHHHHH!!! Mommy "back here," as in "Mommy get back here, you're too far ahead." WHEW!!! But, yes, the fact remains that she can repeat back just about anything anyone says, with striking clarity, so who knows what well be hearing in the next few months?
In other news, one of her current fascinations is feeding the ducks at Lion's Lake, so I snapped a few shots when we went this afternoon.
Mr Brody Man is now 9 weeks old, which I really still can't believe. Time just marches on. We have little conversations throughout the day where he smiles at me and says ohh, ooo, ohhh, and I repeat it right back to him. Love the first baby babbles! He's still just sweet as can be and gets more handsome by the minute. Don't believe me? Here's the proof!
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