That's what Riley asks for when she wants to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I love the little word variations she comes up with. Today, she opened up the kitchen drawer by the stove, took out some tongs and told me she was "cooking engs." Yes, engs = eggs. Hilarious. Her transition to a "big girl bed" (crib without a front) has been interesting. At night, we go through our ritual...bath, jammies, teeth, books. By the time she gets in bed, she's so tired that she settles right in. Nap time; however, is a little more interesting. Today, I put her in bed for a nap, and then listened to her run around for about an hour and a half...the kitchen is right below her room. She gathers most of the toys and books and animals in her room and puts them in her bed. Oh well, I guess as long as she's not a crab, mommy still gets some quiet time, which is the most important thing, right?!?!
She had her 2 year checkup on Wednesday and weighs 27lbs, is 33 1/4" and has a 19" noggin. All in all, fairly average. So yup, she's a healthy, spirited toddler.
The new house is just wonderful. It already feels so much more like home than our previous rental. We spend lots of time outside each day in the large yard, on the swing set, and getting to know the neighbors, especially the family behind us who have a dog friend for Bauer and 3 kids, one a little younger than Riley.
Getting the house set up is taking forever, but that's par for the course. I have so much respect for fellow stay at home moms and am realizing that it's much harder than any job I've ever held. I find myself wishing there were more hours in the day. I guess if I can tackle one little project a day, then eventually, the mess in the garage and storage rooms will disappear. Hopefully before we move again.
Brody man continues to be a wonderful baby. Just sweetness and smiles so long as he's fed. He seems to drool a lot more than Riley ever did. Not sure if that's a boy thing, or if he's gong to start teething earlier than she did. He spits up quite a bit, I guess from the formula, so he ends up smelling like cheese much of the time. But I don't mind. The top of his head always smells great and the big toothless grin is about the greatest thing on earth.
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